9 Hard Truths About Employee Gift And How To Face Them
Employee gifts are a category tricky to know about. One can't easily decode the success mantra of employee gifts. It would be best to have quite a few tips and tricks to understand employee gifts properly. A 360° view of a thing includes both benefits and criticism. We can fill hundreds of pages writing about the benefits of employee gifts. But we have very little knowledge about the critical part of employee gifts. This is a hard pill that we have to get down our throats. Here are nine hard truths about employee gifts. But we don't only stop there. We will get to the very root of these hard truths. Then, we will have the solutions to face them in the end.
Hard Truths, Easy To Crack

People get to confuse employee gifts and mess them up. Sometimes they can't make employee gifts right; they don't want to get them right. So, to clear the air over the employee gifts, here are nine hard truths. Along with that, we have some solutions to crack these right.
1. No Honest Feedback
Employees don't give honest feedback half of the time. Instead, they receive the gift and accept it. Even when it is of no use to them, they take it politely.
This is something that shouldn't be there. If someone has gifted you something useless, you have to let them know in the politest way possible. They have to know so that they don't repeat it.
2. Merchandise Is Not A Gift
This is one hard truth. Merchandise is not a gift. Unfortunately, companies and businesses tend to wrap up merchandise as employee gifts. But it's not an employee gift; it's marketing.
If you want to gift merchandise to your employees, at least personalize it according to employees.
3. Out Of Zone
Some employee gifts are so out of the zone that they make the receiver furious. Some gifts are neither of use nor of decoration. These gifts sit there and remind you of the annoying gifter.
To avoid that, you should choose a zone. You can go for the decorative or practical. But don't hang in between.
4. Just For The Sake
Some people give employees gifts just for the sake of it. These gifts are as good as nothing. Instead of giving something that lies around, you can give something that makes sense to you and the employee.
5. Useful For Nothing
Another hard truth about employee gifts is that they are not helpful. They are neither practical nor pleasing. Think about what you want to gift to your employees. There can be a thought attached with meaning. Get it sorted first before everything.
6. Quality On Point But Negative
The horrible quality of employee gifts is another hard truth to digest. The quality of employee gifts is on point but negative. In return, employees have to come up with sweet lies so that they don't offend their superiors.
7. Generalized Categories
Generalized gifts are among the worst ones. People get employee gifts done over a select from this category. But the gift from this category is as general as anything. If you are making an effort to gift your employees, why not go the extra mile?
8. Overdone
Doing things over is also a habit of people whenever it comes to employee gifts. But in the process, what gets lost in the effort and actual meaning. In the end, the employee gifts become about you, not the employee. This is one thing that you should avoid.
9. Cliche Gifts
The cliche is the favorite category of people on employee gifts. People want to get done with this part. They pay no thought while selecting gifts for their employees. These kinds of gifts are often useless. They sit around uselessly.
Basic Mantra

Appreciate - Celebrate - Motivate
This is one thing that will help you get employee gifts right. You can follow this basic mantra of employee gift, and you will not need an extra hard truth to the existing ones. These are the three fundamental pillars of employee gifts. The basic idea behind employee gifts is to appreciate the efforts of your employees. You can celebrate minor achievements and extensive efforts. These employee gifts work as a motivation to work better and fetch better.
Red Flags Of Employee Gift

Red flags are the traits and things you have to maintain a distance from while choosing an employee gift. To keep you sorted for a while, these are some of the red flags. Keep looking out for these red flags and keep them at bay.
1. Makeshift
It's easy to tell the makeshift gifts apart. It takes nothing to get an employee gift. But it will cause you a lot if you do it through makeshift.
2. You Are Not The Center
You are not the center of employee gifts. You might want to be wise, but you will make a show of yourself.
These were the nine hard truths about employee gifts. You have to face them, even if you want to or not. But we didn't let you hang with the problems. These solutions might be helpful if you are a little considerate. Employee gifts are a symbol of support and appreciation for employees' efforts. There is no wrong or right. It's just the efforts and thoughts that matter. You need a complete overview if you want to get perfect employee gifts. In the end, all of it comes together.