7 Amazing Facts About Plants in the Office

Generally, the kind of plants we require for our office spaces are indoor ones, because we need them within our sight also, indoor plants require very little maintenance so employees can be comfortable with the plants. We often admire their beauty and incredible benefits but, what we don't know is that there are surprising facts about your office plants that can leave you amazed. Here is a list of seven amazing facts about plants in your office so that you can admire them even more. 


Decorate your office with beautiful plants 

You should have a little green in your office so that your whole day is not blue to you. But, you will also be amazed if you learn about the plants that surround you. Every plant has its history and a series of interesting facts about them. Plants in your office can lighten up your day as well as leave you shocked when you google them. So, decorate your office with beautiful nature-friendly plants and make your workspace interesting and incredible. 


7 Shocking Facts About Plants in Office 

There are several facts about plants that can be mind-boggling. However, office plants are no less, these facts about office plants are something you should know if you are going to be surrounded by them for a third of your day. Seven amazing facts about plants in the office are- 

1. Growing plants indoors goes back to ancient times- 

Researchers have found evidence of indoor planting even in ancient times. There were terracotta pots with plants and flowers grown indoors in many houses many years back as well. People were aware of the incredible benefits of having plants in their homes in ancient times also. 

2. Most houseplants are from the tropics- 


Most office plants have their origins in the tropics, this justifies how they can survive easily in warm indoor environments and grow in cold weather as well. Examples of office plants that come from the tropical region and can be adapted to grow inside easily are Bromeliads and Succulents. 

3.Office plants are beneficial for our health- 


You know, during ancient times, growing indoor plants were considered a sign of wealth. However, now people believe that having indoor plants can help them cure diseases as well as be healthy. Office plants have multiple health benefits like they can reduce high blood pressure, absorb all the toxins from your work environment, can give you fresh air full of positivity, and reduce noise pollution also.  

4. African violets come in various colors- 

African violet, a long-time flowering indoor plant known for its beauty and benefits, comes in various shades or seven different bright beautiful colors white, pink, maroon, blue, lavender, violet, and deep purple.

5. Houseplants are allergic to dust- 


If you have a beautiful plant on your desk, don’t let the dust that settles on your laptop screen settle in the leaves of your plants as well. Dust prevents the plants from photosynthesizing properly. You should dust your plants softly to avoid damaging them. Dust can kill your plant a lot sooner than you can imagine. Hold the other side of the leaf and gently clean the dust with a brush or scrub. 

6. Office plants like music- 


Office plants can groove to whatever music you like grooving to. Yes, even plants can enjoy music. They can even enjoy the music when you sing it. You know people say that lack of sunlight and water can never kill a plant as fast as a depressing environment can. If you are happy your plants will be happy. They will celebrate with you, enjoy the music with you, who knows, maybe they will even dance with you secretly. Plants can be your best companions and most reliable listeners. Their therapeutic vibes can do the trick in seconds. 

7. Some office plants are dangerous for your pets- 

While plants can liven up your office, if there are pets in your workplace you need to be careful about some species of office plants that can prove to be fatal for your dogs and cats. Some plants that can harm your pets if ingested are Lilies, Aloe Vera, Ivy, Jade, Dumb Cane, Elephant Ear, Zamioculcas, and many more such plants. Even if they touch some of these plants, they can generate a rash or irritation of some kind. So keep your pets away from these plants to avoid complications. However, most offices have a no pet policy in their workplaces so that is a relief. 


Choose the best plants to liven up your workplace 

So here were some interesting facts about indoor office plants that you should know about. By having an idea about their features and benefits you can make an informed decision about the type of plants you want to have in your workplace. These seven amazing facts about office plants can help you love them even more. The right decision can change a lot of things in your working environment. You can enjoy your work because of the plants on your desk as well. Office plants can add peace, happiness, and motivation to your schedule. The three things you need the most in your office. Choose the best ones and give your best in your workplace.